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  Early Bird Entry
Prize Draw

We would like to thank those who took time out of their busy schedules to enter projects into the Saskatchewan Masonry Design Awards.  While we know that the final entry deadline is not until April 2017, we are pleased to know that with the number of entries already received, the 2016 Saskatchewan Masonry Design Awards will prove to be as successful, if not more, than our previous awards. 

This was the first time we have had an Early Bird entry request, and it was a tremendous success.  53 entries were received before the deadline of February 1.  Due to the overwhelming response, we have added two additional $500.00 travel vouchers along with the $1,000.00 travel voucher previously offered.


$ 1,000.00 Travel Voucher
Mark Sin, Edwards Edwards McEwen Architects

$    500.00 Travel Voucher
Keith Henry, Henry Downing Architects

$    500.00 Travel Voucher
Donn Lay, Pattison MGM Architectural Services

Please remember to continue with your entries.  Any masonry project completed in Saskatchewan between July 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016 is eligible for entry into the 2016 Saskatchewan Masonry Design Awards.

Please visit  DesignAwards.ca for our entry guideline and to submit your entries.